Music concert: Brasil Portal Sonoro

Escape the winter blues and join us for an intimate January evening filled with the soulful rhythms of Brazil. We’re excited to present Raphael Pippa, all the way from Rio de Janeiro, in a special one-night performance in Berlin.

Catch the unique blend of samba, jongo, cĂ´co, ijexas, maracatu, and more, as Pippa’s rhythmic guitar harmonizes with the soulful vocals of Patchamora and the beats of Brazilian percussions.

đź—“ Date & Time: 14 January at 7pm

We invite you to forget the outside world for a while, cozy up with us, and let the music create a shared moment of connection.

We will have fresh drinks and a warm soup to welcoming you

Entry : donation

Jana Sanskriti, Center of Theatre of the Oppressed India in Berlin

Unveiling the Power of Theatre: Jana Sanskriti’s Legacy in Theatre of the Oppressed

Step into the world of Jana Sanskriti (JS), the trailblazing Centre for Theatre of the Oppressed (TO) that pioneered this transformative art form in India.

JS’s theatre teams, reaching thousands monthly, present performances that are not just aesthetically refined but also laden with hard-hitting questions about our societal fabric. Rather than prescribing solutions, JS invites spect-actors, transforming passive spectators into engaged participants. Established in 1985, JS has witnessed the evolution of “spect-acting” from a theatrical experience to a powerful force motivating activism beyond the stage.

As JS blurs the lines between acting and activism, their participatory theatre plays a pivotal role in reshaping social norms. Across various regions in India, “spect-acting” has proven to create a resilient community of active and responsible citizens.

Join us in uncovering the profound impact of JS’s participatory theatre, where the stage becomes a catalyst for change, and the audience transforms into a community of empowered, socially responsible individuals.

Lecture ( 5 € entry, no need of previous registrations)

18. January, 7 pm @ GrĂĽner Salon an der VolksbĂĽhne, Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz 2, 10718 Berlin

Theatre as politics’ – a Jana Sanskriti experience

20. – 21. January, 1 – 6 pm @ GrĂĽner Salon an der VolksbĂĽhne, Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz 2, 10718

Theatre-Workshop: Scripting Play instead of Playing The Script – theatre of the oppressed from India:

The Games and exercise will be improvised as social metaphors. While playing games the stories will emerge for the participants’ lived experience.  That is how the scripting will be done. Character understanding and structuring the play evolved in the workshop might be included

Sanjoy Ganguly

Registration to the Workshop in VolksbĂĽhne page here

Day of Teatro de las Oprimidas

Feminist theatre of the oppressed

Madalena-Berlin invites you on Sunday 15th October at 7pm to a special celebration that marks both Teatro de las Oprimidas Day and pays homage to the visionary behind this transformative movement, Bárbara Santos.

As part of our celebration, we offer you a glimpse into the global impact of our work through the eyes of the Ma(g)dalenas Network. Videos showcasing the encounters and enriching experiences of this network provide a window into how feminist theatre can unite voices from different corners of the world in the pursuit of social justice and equality.

We look forward to sharing this memorable occasion with you.

Teatro de las Oprimidas: workshop & celebration

Have you ever wondered how theatre can be a powerful tool to challenge gender oppressions? 

We invite you to discover it with us in an  feminist Theatre of the Oppressed workshop!

Madalena-Berlin, the feminist group working on themes related to gender and patriarcal oppressions, invites you to participate in a workshop from October 12th to 15th to get to know the methodology from inside. The workshop, facilitated by Eva Gloria and Bibiana Lopera, is only for women and dissidences. Cis- men are not welcomed.

Additionally, on October 15th, we will celebrate the feminist Theatre of the Oppressed Day with an event open for everyone.

About the Workshop: 

Over four days, we will explore how patriarchy irrumps in our bodies and our minds. We will explore using aesthetical methods in order to create a space  for exchange through the power of theatre. Our workshop will include: 

– dynamic theatre and aesthetics exercises. 

– In-depth discussions on gender oppressions. 

– Interactive activities that will challenge you to think critically. 

– A safe space to share experiences and perspectives 

– the creation of a performance to  celebrate togheter the day of Teatro das Oprimidas 

Date: October

12th and 13th from 5pm to 8pm 

14th and 15th from 11am to 6pm with a public presentation at 7pm  on 15th October

Location: KURINGA, GrĂĽntaler StraĂźe 35 

Cost: solidarity exchange 150euros  

Registration:, subject : October workshop

IMPORTANT: we dont accept any trans, racist, class, age phobia

A Week of Transformation: Qualification Course

We are delighted to share the end of our week-long Theatre of the Oppressed Qualification Course, which brought together participants from around the world. In this intensive programme, our collective embarked on a thought-provoking journey, culminating in a Theatre Forum production that delved into a pressing issue: the play, entitled “Smile Factory”, asks what to do when the pace of mass production enters into life deciding when it is time to rest, have fun, socialise which leads to exhaustion and burnout.

The performance was monumental, with a diverse cast of 40 people joining forces to create a masterpiece. Throughout the forum, we explored powerful interventions, engaged in lively discussions on self-empowerment and strategies to defend workers’ rights, including the powerful tool of strikes.

What has really impressed us during this trip is the overwhelming and moving interest in this methodology. Participants have come from all over the world, from Kenya to the United States, Palestine to Colombia. Such enthusiasm has even led to a waiting list for future workshops.

This is a tribute not only to the dedication of each participant, but also a recognition of the lifelong efforts of luminaries such as Bárbara Santos, who tirelessly carried forward the legacy set in motion by Boal, and the visionary Till Baumann.

We thank you wholeheartedly for being part of our extraordinary journey.

Picture 2 and 5 by Mohammad Ali Deeb DeebDance

Other pics by Kativa Gloria

Solidarity with 6th ELTO: unite to support the Theatre of the Oppressed

Have you ever attended one of our plays, participated in our workshops, witnessed one of our performances, or perhaps heard your friends talk about the inspiration and impact our work with Theatre of the Oppressed has had on them? Behind every scene, there are countless hours of hard work, dedication and a network of people across continents who believe in Theatre of the Oppressed as a powerful tool that stimulates questioning and dialogue, fostering empathy and action to confront and overturn social injustices. 

All of this is made possible by solidarity, a force that unites us and drives our collective efforts.

Now, our colleagues at the Theatre of the Oppressed in Mexico are making a heartfelt call for solidarity: Laboratorio Magdalenas Puebla needs our financial support to organise the Sixth Latin American Meeting of Theatre of Oppressed People (ELTO) , which will take place from 28 October to 6 November in Atlixco, Mexico. 

But why is ELTO so important, you ask?

1. it is a just cause: ELTO focuses on the power of theatre as a means to fight oppression and promote social transformation. Contributing to this cause is a step towards a more just and equal world.

2. Direct impact: Your support will fund housing, food and other necessities for over 300 people, directly benefiting artists, activists, caregivers, disability collectives and many others involved. Every donation makes a difference to their lives and experiences.

3. Inclusion and diversity: ELTO brings together people of different countries, ages, genders and abilities. It is an inclusive space that values cultural and human diversity, and your support strengthens this message of unity.

4. Active participation: ELTO is not a passive event, but an opportunity to actively participate in workshops, theatre performances and creative activities. Your support will help foster creativity and empowerment for all participants.

5. Culture and art: Contributing to ELTO means supporting the value of art and culture as a means to express ideas, emotions and social issues. Together, we can give voice to change through art.

6. International solidarity: ELTO promotes solidarity between countries and cultures, building bridges that unite us as human beings. Supporting this event is a gesture of global unity.

7. Personal engagement: If you feel a personal connection to theatre, activism or anti-oppression, this is an opportunity to support a cause that reflects your deepest values and passions.

8. By supporting ELTO and the Magdalenas Puebla Lab, we contribute to a global art movement, where creativity merges with activism to create lasting impact. 

Your solidarity and contribution will ensure that this transformative work continues, empowering communities and individuals to drive positive change in the face of adversity.

Here is the link where you will find details on how the funds received will be used:

To join, it’s simple: just sign up and, with your card, you can make a contribution. 

 Any amount you can contribute will be received as a great treasure.

Thank you very much for being part of our network and joining this international campaign!

Together we can make a difference through the Theatre of the Oppressed!

P.S. Feel free to share this message in your networks. Your support and word of mouth are invaluable in spreading the word about our cause!

Forum Theater Weekend 2023

Explore social issues, challenge preconceptions, and engage in meaningful dialogue through the power of forum theater in the Theater Forum Weekend on August 17th, 18th, and 19th at 7:00 PM at STUDIO14 in Uferstudios.

The detailed program is as it follows: 

– 17 August, 7pm, Madalena BerlinNo means NO : What’s the problem of understanding the sense of NO when the facial expression, the sound of the voice and physical movements belong to a woman’s body? Madalena-Berlin’ Forum Theatre play explores the social construction of the idea of gender and this construction’s concrete consequences as abuse, violence, trauma, feminicide.

– 18 & 19 August, 7pm, a production by KURINGA, directed by Bárbara Santos and Till Baumann: this performance combines artistic excellence with a commitment to social change, offering a compelling performance that invites you to question the status quo and explore alternative perspectives.

– 19. August, Bralin Theater, “Every day the same game” in our working lives we are subjected to coercion in the most diverse situations. Why is our humanity reduced to functionality and usability?

Admission tickets can be purchased directly at the venue, and prices range from 5 to 10 euros.

In the flyer,  WIR SIND HIER!  by @doktor_ali_romatrial


Theater & Film:
Auf Tour in Berlin, Brandenburg und Sachsen!

Zwischen Mai und Juli werden das Forum-Theater-StĂĽck WIR SIND HIER! sowie der Film “Amaro Filmos” mehrmals in Berlin, Brandenburg und Sachsen gezeigt. Wir laden herzlich dazu ein und freuen uns, wenn Sie unsere Einladung mit Ihren Kolleg*innen und Freund*innen teilen!

Forum-TheaterstĂĽck “WIR SIND HIER!”

WIR SIND HIER! â€“ trotz Verfolgung, ZurĂĽckweisung und UnterdrĂĽckung. Denn das erleben Roma* in Deutschland und weltweit seit Jahrhunderten. Und auch heute gibt es wieder rassistische Anschläge und das Holocaust-Denkmal fĂĽr Sinti* und Roma* soll wegen einer neuen S-Bahn-Linie teilweise zerstört werden. Genug ist genug! Sollen wir eine Roma*-Armee grĂĽnden, brauchenRoma* einen eigenen Staat oder was können wir tun, um Rassismus und UnterdrĂĽckung von Roma* und Sinti* zu stoppen?Das interaktive Forum-TheaterstĂĽck entstand zwischen März und Juni 2021 in einem Probenprozess mit den Methoden des teatro das opridmidas unter Anleitung von Christoph Leucht (Theaterwerkstatt KURINGA). Es wurde am 17. Juni 2021 beim Jugendtheaterfestival „Festiwalla“ in Berlin uraufgefĂĽhrt, seitdem fanden Gastspiele in Dortmund, Mannheim und Bernau statt. Am 29. Mai 2022 wurde die Gruppe zum Theatertreffen der Jugend ins Haus der Berliner Festspiele eingeladen.
 Von: Christoph Leucht, David Paraschiv, Estera Elisa Paraschiv, Estera Sara Stan, Naomi Stan
Mit: Leszek Avraj, Gino Avraj, Daniel Hromyko, Elisei Nedelcu, David Paraschiv, Estera Sara Stan, Alina Zarafu
Regie: Christoph Leucht
Audio/Videotechnik: Christoph Leucht


Montag, 22.05., 20.00 Uhr
MonbijoustraĂźe 3B, 10117 Berlin

Am 22.05. eröffnet die WIR SIND HIER! Gruppe mit einem Auftritt im Monbijou-Theater die Open-Air-Sommer-Spielzeit. Damit spielen wir zum ersten Mal unter freiem Himmel – um 20:00 Uhr geht es los!
Eintritt 6€, Karten gibt es vor Ort.

Samstag, 27.05., 20.00 Uhr
Ost-Passage Theater
Konradstr. 27, 04315 Leipzig

Noch in der gleichen Woche, am 27.05., tritt die Jugendgruppe in Leipzig auf. Wir freuen uns schon total auf Sachsen und aufs engagierte Publikum vor Ort!
Karten reservieren

Samstag, 17.06., 17.00 Uhr
GrĂĽner Salon der VolksbĂĽhne
Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz 2, 10178 Berlin

Im Juni geht es dann in Berlin im GrĂĽnen Salon weiter – und zwar als Teil des Jugendaustausches, zu dem das Minderheitensekretariat und das Niederdeutschsekretariat Angehörige der friesischen Volksgruppe, der dänischen Minderheit, Lausitzer Sorben, der Deutschen Sinti und Roma und der Sprechergruppe Niederdeutsch vom 15. bis 18. Juni nach Berlin einladen. Weitere Infos zum Jugendaustausch finden Sie unten!
Karten reservieren

Screenings von “Amaro Filmos – Wir sind hier!”
In „Amaro Filmos“ (auf Romanes „Unser Film“) geben junge Roma* aus Berlin einen Einblick in ihr Leben und in ihre Gedankenwelt. Mit Humor und Selbstbewusstsein beantworten die Protagonist*innen die Fragen: Wie sehen wir uns? Wie werden wir von anderen gesehen? Und was bewegt uns? Der partizipativ entwickelte Dokumentarfilm beleuchtet nicht nur die Träume, Zukunftswünsche und Rollenbilder einer Generation, sondern auch brennende gesellschaftliche Probleme: Rassismus, Gentrifizierung und die damit einhergehende räumliche Verdrängung einer ganzen Community.

Regie, Kamera und Schnitt: Olad Aden
Eine Koproduktion von: RomaTrial e.V. &
Gangway StraĂźensozialarbeit in Berlin e.V.
Von und mit: Elisejo, Elisei, Samson, Larissa, Marcel, Lulu, Samuel, Neno, Milena, Estera Sara,
David, Elisa, Daniel, Ali und vielen anderen mehr
Mix & Master: IT’SWHY
Musik: Salomon Ape, Boga, It’s Why, Gigo Flow und Pyranja („Mensch gleich Mensch“ GangwayBeatz vol. 2)

Dienstag, 23.05., 18.30 Uhr
StraĂźe der Jugend 16, 03046 Cottbus

Wir freuen uns, auch wieder mal in Brandenburg unterwegs zu sein! Die AuffĂĽhrung findet in Kooperation mit dem Verein Antidiskriminierungsberatung Brandenburg Opferperspektive e.V. im Rahmen der 2. Cottbuser Europa-Wochen statt.

Nach der AuffĂĽhrung stehen der Regisseur Olad Aden, der Protagonist David Paraschiv und der Leiter des Projekts WIR SIND HIER! Ali Rönisch fĂĽr eine Diskussion zur VerfĂĽgung.
Karten reservieren

Freitag, 07.07, 18.30 Uhr
GrĂĽner Salon der VolksbĂĽhne
Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz 2, 10178 Berlin
Kurz vor der Sommerpause hat das Berliner Publikum nochmals die Chance, den Film zu sehen und mit dem Filmteam und den Protagonist*innen ins Gespräch zu kommen!
Und danach feiern wir gemeinsam mit der letzten WIR SIND HIER! Jugendparty in den Sommer rein!
Karten demnächst reservieren

Revolutionary 8 March


El 7 de marzo estamos invitadas a participar en un evento organizado por Zentrale Informationsstelle Autonomer Frauenhäuser en Platz des 18.März ( Brandeburger Tor) a las 13h y el 8 de marzo marchamos con Marea Feminista Abya Yala ( Frankfurter Tor , 14h ) 

En ambos eventos queremos llevar la Performance Nosotras, la cual pone de manifiesto cómo las redes de apoyo feministas son vitalmente importantes para enfrentarnos a las injusticias hetero-patriarcales. 

La performance es sencilla y mucho más impactante cuantas más personas seamos. 

Para ello , buscamos vuestra colaboraciĂłn

Tomemos las calles con nuestra fuerza creativa!! 

Si te interesa, escrĂ­benos un mensaje a 

La revoluciĂłn es feminista!!

Abstenerse hombres cis 


Am 7. März sind wir eingeladen, an einer Veranstaltung der Zentralen Informationsstelle Autonomer Frauenhäuser am Platz des 18.März (Brandeburger Tor) um 13 Uhr teilzunehmen und am 8. März marschieren wir mit Marea Feminista Abya Yala am Revolutionary Internationalist 8M. ( Frankfurter Tor , 14h ) 

Bei beiden Veranstaltungen wollen wir die Performance Nosotras mitbringen, die zeigt, wie wichtig feministische UnterstĂĽtzungsnetzwerke sind, um hetero-patriarchale Ungerechtigkeiten zu bekämpfen. 

Die Performance ist einfach, und je mehr Leute dabei sind, desto wirkungsvoller wird sie sein. 

Lasst uns mit unserer kreativen Kraft auf die StraĂźe gehen! 

Wenn ihr Interesse habt, schreibt uns eine Nachricht an 

Die Revolution ist feministisch!

Keine Cis-Männer 


On March 7th we are invited to participate in an event organised by Zentrale Informationsstelle Autonomer Frauenhäuser at Platz des 18.März (Brandeburger Tor) at 13h and on March 8th we march with Marea Feminista Abya Yala on Revolutionary Internationalist 8M. ( Frankfurter Tor , 14h ) 

At both events we want to bring the Performance Nosotras, which shows how feminist support networks are vitally important to confront hetero-patriarchal injustices. 

The performance is simple and the more people there are, the more powerful it will be. 

To this end, we are looking for your collaboration

Let’s take to the streets with our creative force! 

If you are interested, write us a message to 

The revolution is feminist!

No cis men 



Augusto Boal developed the Invisible Theatre in Latin America in the 1970s as a response to the impossibility of making visible political theatre in the face of state repression. Later, during his exile in Europe, he developed it further into an invisible form of artistic action that encourages the discussion of political and social issues in public space. 

Invisible theatre became one of the central techniques of the Theatre of the Oppressed and is practised today in a variety of contexts. The workshop offers the opportunity to get to know Invisible Theatre in theory and practice and to reflect on the technique and its possible applications. The participants will develop scenes and perform them in public space, this experience will serve as a base for methodological reflection.  

Workshop facilitation:  Till Baumann

Workshop times: 
Wednesday 26 March: 16.00-20.00 
Thursday 27 March: 16.00-20.00  
Friday 28 March: 10.00-18.00 
Saturday 29 March: 10.00-18.00 

Participation fee: 
– 250 EUR (including 7% VAT) for registration until 15 February 
– 300 EUR (including 7% VAT) for registration after 15 February 

Infos and registration: