Rio de Janeiro – 2012i
Shortly after the first laboratories, an amazing multiplication process began. The fact that the majority of the participants were Theatre of the Oppressed’ practitioners, linked to women’ or mixed’ groups, who developed their work in a gender perspective, corroborated this result.
Even though it was not a specific space for training multipliers, the laboratory aimed strengthening the work of these participants in their respective groups.
The need for the systematization of the new methodological approach included the both challenges of keeping the openness and flexibility to ensure new creative research processes and avoiding conceptual misunderstandings and shortages of practical guidance.
In March 2012, we held the first international Madalena Laboratory’ seminar for creation of efficient communication channels, providing the exchange of experiences and the analysis of applied programs. In addition of supporting who had started multiplication processes and offering support to those who wanted to start, the seminar became a first attempt of systematization.
i SANTOS, Bárbara. Teatro das Oprimidas (Feminist Theatre of the Oppressed). Rio de Janeiro, Casa Philos, 2019