Magdalena Laboratory is an innovative theatrical and research experience that uses aesthetic elements to respond to the great need of privileged spaces for women to discuss the specific oppressions they face in different contexts because they are socially recognised as women. The laboratory explores taboos and highly sensitive social topics, using art to visualise concrete pathways to outdo injustice and to transform reality. This is meant to be a space where mutual trust can be uphold and re-valued; where women find ways to overcome feelings of guilt, shame, and competition; and where women can confront the silence that has historically hid fundamental topics. Therefore, Magdalena groups seek to build up an environment of recognition, visibility and empowerment so that women can reflect about their own oppressions, exchange ideas and support each other in the struggle for new quests and the improvement of the rights that women have already conquered. The Magdalena Laboratory encourages participants to identify, recognize, analyze, represent and put on public discussion the oppressions faced daily by people socially recognised as women, in order to search for concrete alternatives to the transformation of living reality.
From the experience of facilitating several Magdalena Laboratories and training multipliers around the world, Bárbara Santos systematised the specific methodological approach of the Feminist Theatre of the Oppressed (Teatro de las Oprimidas) which is a content of her third book released in Brazil, in July 2019.