Buenos Aires, 2013i
During the Madalena Laboratory, participants should be invited for a collective journey of experimentation, discovery and representation. Despite not having a pre-defined program, the laboratory requires a structure capable of guiding the creative and investigative process. This specificity challenges us to find efficient ways for the qualification of our multipliers.
In February 2013, we held the second international seminar organized by groups of Magdalenas from Argentina and Uruguay. On that occasion, we worked specifically with the production of Forum Theatre play based on introspective techniques from the “Rainbow of Desire”, which are fundamental to address the complexity of the oppressions we investigate. Because the application of these techniques requires specific training, preparation and previous experience, as well as the availability of time for their proper development, we decide to prioritize it at this seminar.
Sixty multipliers representing groups of Magdalenas from both countries attended seminar.
i SANTOS, Bárbara. Teatro das Oprimidas (Feminist Theatre of the Oppressed). Rio de Janeiro, Casa Philos, 2019