Photos: Archive Madalena-Berlin
Madalena-Berlin is a female Theatre of the Oppressed group and collective of activists from KURINGA (Berlin), founded in 2011. The group stimulates public debates about the oppressions faced by women and dynamizes the search for concrete alternatives to identified injustices. Madalena-Berlin is part of the Ma(g)dalena International Network composed by feminist theatre groups from Latin America, Europe, Africa and Asia.
Forum Theatre Productions:
2019 – The Pink Machine
2017 – NO means NO!
2015 – Die rosarote Brille
2013 – Women’s School
2011 – Images of Women
Short Documentary about Madalena Berlin’s Legislative Theatre journey
This short documentary shows the trajectory of developing a feminist perspective for the practice of Legislative Theatre carried out by Madalena-Berlin between 2016 and 2019.
Initially, the technique was applied following the method developed by Augusto Boal and Centro do Teatro do Oprimido in Brasil. In 2016, the Madalena-Berlin decided to engage in the “No means No” campaign using Legislative Theatre to create a dialogue about sexual violence and the new law regulation in Germany. Over the three years of praxis, the group applied a feminist perspective to Legislative Theatre and a new approach to public interventions considering the place / social position of each member of the audience.
The film was shown in Vierte Welle Festival, Festival Genders & Performances, Festival Internacional de Cine de la No-Violencia Activa (FICNOVA) and selected as Quarter Finalist at the Crossroads festival in Istanbul ( Turkey) and Festival RNAB in Sao Paolo ( Brazil)